Hey. What the fuck! FREAKING PISSED LAH! I WAS POSTING A POST DAMN DAMN LONG. THEN I WAS DONE,I HIGHLIGHT IT ALL THEN I WAS ABOUT TO PRESS THE FONT TO ARIAL THEN I ACCIDENTALLY PRESS SHIFT THEN ALL GONE THEN I GO EDIT POSTS TO GET THE SAVED DRAFT BUT IT SAVED AS THE EMPTY ONE AT THE END! URGHHH! Now must type all over again! ugh. Anyway, BESIDES that, Today is a happy day! :D I got to cancel four things off my wishlist! Continue reading, to find out what! I'll name them, 1.2.3.&4.You know i supposed to go out with charlene right? cancelled. She smsed me last night at 12+pm to tell me that she didn't want to go cause it was too complicated for her. Cause she had to take two MRT's. What the hell? She tell me last minute that she didn't want to go. So i smsed her, " Walao, last minute then tell me! Just try lah. " then she replied, " Maybe. "MAYBE? MAYBE?! What kind of answer is maybe? So i go there already, then you suddenly sms me you don't want to go? I was pissed. So i ignored her and went online to tell Celestine what she said. & we arranged that i would 1.go shopping with Celestine & Kim.C instead. Now let's go on with what happened today, shall we?
Woke up at 11:10am, brushed teeth, bathed, changed into a black
superman tee & red shorts, finished all that at 12noon, then my
mother fetched me to far east to meet Celestine & Kim at the
taxi stand. Celeste dyed her hair! Part black Part brownish, it lookednice on her. (: I asked Celeste to bring me to Skinnie Shops.
But after lots of skinnie shops, i didn;t buy skinnies. Wanna know
why? Cause all of them are thirty-five to forty-five dollars!
Crazyyy! Bugis street only sell for like, twenty-eight to thirty-two
dollars. So we continued walking to see other things.
We walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk
alot liao, i still haven't buy anything, but they had. Hahaha.
We were hungry. So we walked to wisma to eat at Kim's father's
friend's restaurant. The friend was one of the owners of that shop.
Hehh, me&Celeste shared a fish&chips and mushroom soup.
while Kim ate Spicy Prawn Noodles. Oh gosh. The mushroom Soup
looked gross & it also tasted gross & bitter. Ughhh. After we finished
eating, kimberley saw the receipt & keep calling the friend to come
cause the friend promised her a discount. Hahaha. Kimberley
paid for lunch. It was damn expensive. Thank you Kim! We then walked back to Far East cause i wanted to buy Sandals.From my wishlist. So i went into mondo and bought a 2.checkeredsandals. Hey, ilikeit. It was nineteen-ninety(: Kim bought a black sandal that cost freaking thirteen dollars?! Cause the sandals thatshe was wearing was hurting her feet. hahaha. Richass. We continuedto walk in Far East. walkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalk.Walk till we pass a leggings shop. I bought one 3.black ankle-lengthleggings for twelve-ninety(: Then we walked to Cineleisure.It was freaking far i tell you!Once we reached Cine, we went to 4.take neoprints. Only once D: ..Then we went to the shop, Diva. Two stores away from the neoprintsstore. I bought a Pacman necklace there. (: After that, we went toKFC to sit down. Our legs hurt like shit! Celestine & Kim bought acoke each. I shared with Kim. Cause i don't really like Coke :X ..Then we saw Jazlynn & Sophia walking by! We said hi & they toldus they were going to watch WildChild! No fair! I want to watch WildChild.I was supposed to. Just that that Charlene go and cancel. -.- zzzWe then walked to Taka taxi stand to wait for our parents to pickus up. My mom fetched celestine home.When i reached home, my mother asked me to read newspaper - -"After that, i played comp. & i talked to my old friend, Sara [Th3h0ly0n3]from maple, on msn! ahha. We talked for like, an hour plus. It was funtalking to her yo (: Well cya!Pics time! More pics tomorrow! ♥
My checkered Sandals (:
Celestine's hair. It looks nicer from far. Hahaha. Can't see the
color properly.
My Pacman Necklace!(:
A Christmas tree made of bears! -Throws a ball
Blurred Kim.

Celestine in my car. She looks nicer from far, from front.
Heheheh. :D
Posted by Ellenayoung at 6:19 PM