Wowness.. :O I went to watch Twilight with Laura yesterday. Didn't post yesterday because i was too tired.. ;l Annyyyywayyyyss, let me tell you the story of my outing with laura! (: .. YESTERDAY Woke up at Eleven. Toilet, changed, blah. Then Laura reached my house at 12:50pm. We went onto my computer to play the drawing game on Facebook for like, two minutes? Then we got bored. Hahaha! So we went to & was planning to watch maple videos. But it took so long to load! & It had more than one part. There was part two part three.. So we opened a total of four-five windows ;D! Ahaha! So many huh. So we waited & waited.. Got nothing to do.. One minute passed. Two minutes passed. Three minutes passed. Four minutes passed. Five minutes passed. Guess how much it loaded in five full minutes? like this (-) <<>
Oh my goodiness. Damn damn slow. So we waited another ten
minutes. the first part still one dash long. - -.. & We saw part
three was 3/4th loaded. So we started to watch from part
three, then part one. Then part four. Then we gave up cause it
was hopeless. We took two hours waiting for the things to load
and it still didn't load finish. Oh god. Gay computer much? Hahaha.
We left for Toa Payo at 1.45pm. We walked there. It took twenty
to thirty minutes. Not that far though. Maybe even fifteen minutes
or something, whatever. (: But while we were walking there, it
started to drizzle! Ugh. Then we continued walking.. Then it started
to drizzle. Heavily. D;.. Should've asked my mother to fetch us there
instead. So we walked fast fast. Heheheh. The first thing we did when we reached Toa Payo, was to buy TWILIGHT MOVIE TICKETS :O! Haha (: So we went to find the cinema, & bought tickets for the 3pm movie. It was around 2:20pm already & i was starving! Cause i haven't had breakfast nor lunch. So Laura accompanied me to McDonalds. I ordered McNuggets meal while she just had Milo to drink. I gave her two nuggets & shared with her my fries. (: Onced we finished eating, it was already 2:52pm! We rushed up the escalator & went straight to the theatres. The movie.. I can't say i absolutely loved it. But i can't say
i hated it either. To me, it was oh-kay. How do i say it, it wasn't what
i expected. I expected better. But it could have been worse.
Cause the movie was rushed into. They didn't fill in all the parts. They
skipped a LOTTTT of parts, total about ten-twelve? Alot. Plus they
changed ALOT of parts too. Total of like nine-eleven? Like one part
Bella supposed to bang her head against the glass mirror but instead
they changed it to bang a wooden table. Ohgosh. Then after the movie
i said to Laura, " This movie is screwed up. " Yeah, i'm disappointed.
But it wasn't all bad. Heh. Hahaha. Then during the movie, i think Laura got
really pissed. Cause when we went inside to sit down, i was like,
" AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! " Damn loud. But not until everyone in the
whole theatre can hear me, like, just the near ones. Cause i just couldn't believe i was watching Twilight. Then EVERY SINGLE TIME Robert Pattinson came out & the movie screen was fixed on his face, i would be like, " OMG OMG OMG OMG LAURA!!! LAURA!!! LOOK!!!! AHHH!!! "
To her, quite loudly. Plus every ten minutes throughout the movie,
i would realise that i was watching Twilight, so i get so damn exited
and say " AHHHH! ". Hahaha. Damn funny yeah ;D. & One time during
the movie i accidentally dropped my handphone in between the seats.So i had to look for it. It was damn dark, & there were damn alot of freaking dust under the seats? Stupid theatre people don't know how to clean is it! Haiiyoo. xP Then later on when Bella & Edward kissed in her bedroom there, i couldn't take it anymore, i took out my handphone then put my legs up onto the chair, then i pretended to check my sms or some shit on my phone, then i made it to silent & took two pictures of them kissing :D!! It's very dark though. & It was quite far away cause me & Laura were sitting at the back row & there was a freaking railing in front of us cause they think that scarely some retarded people so and trip and fall down the stairs or some shit. After the movie, we went to the arcade to play. Won her at racing four times while she won me two times! Hehh :D. We also played one game that had three players on the machine. So we played two players. It's the machine that you must hit the thingy very fast one.. & Stuffish. &nyway, the last time i played that with her was in.. November or July or June or something. & At that time i kept on losing to her like crap! Then i played it with her yesterday & i won her xDD! She says i was fast. Weehee! Then i played against the computer in the machine for a few more rounds - which i won - then lost. D': So we played some gun game, then we no money already, so we went to Popular to seesee stuff. I wanted to buy pens & a Teenage magazine, but i had very little moneyleft. So i just bought the magazine. Cause there was a Twilight poster in it! Ahh! To tell you the truth, after watching the show, i became MORE obsessed with Robert Pattinson. Hahaha! So every conversation i have with someone, there would be a" Robert Pattinson is SOOO HOT! " inside. :X So, sorry if youhate it. But too bad. Hahhahaha! :D It was around 6pm & we went to McDonalds again to buy McFlurry ice cream :D Then claire called my mobile & we talked awhile, then she told me that she's going to check out an old website that she used to visit when she was k2, p1. LOL!She said that scarely the site turn into a prostitude's site. Hahahah! Gosh.I was laughing like shit! Then she let me hear some barbie sound. I let Laura hear it too & she started laughing like shit with me. (: Haha. When i told Claire that i bought a Teenage magazine, she told me that last time she bought one magazine, ( She forgot which ) Got one part in the magazine that said, " When watching the Twilight movie, wheneverRobert Pattinson's role came up, a bunch of teenage girls in the middle of the theatre started shouting and sqealing! But at the love scene where Robert ( Edward Cullen) started kissing Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan),they started shouting things like, " OHMYGOSH! HE IS SO HOT! AHH! OMG! OMG!!! " " Hahaha!!! I was like, " SOOO TRUEE! " Cause that was mostly how i reacted xD.. After eating our McFlurry's, i told Claire i would call her at night cause my battery was low. Then i called my mother and asked her to pick me & Laura up from Toa Payo from the taxi stand. While me and Laura waited for my mother, she let me hear Bella's lullaby on her phone. I asked her to send it to me & she did. :D I tell you, her lullaby is damn sweet.. (: Sorry, don't know how to put it on my blog. If i could, i WOULD! :O
(If you wanna hear the lullaby, just call me & i'll let you hear)
Then she let me see her Twilight pictures/Robert Pattinson&
Kristan Stewart pics. & I screamed at her until she sent it to me
:D HAHAHAHAHAH! The pictures are down there. Awhile later,
my mother arrived to pick us up. We reached my house & we listened
to songs on the computer, then she went home. I called Claire soon
after Laura left, & she told me that she put her Twilight poster on
top of her computer cause she would be there often. & Whenever she
looked up, the would see Robert Pattinson's beautiful face :D. Then
i was like, "OMG! GOOD IDEA! " Then i got the scotchtape,
the scissors, & i put it up on top my computer too. Cause it's
where i always am. :D -Looks up- " Ahh.. So hot like crap.. (: " Hahahaha! Wow. This is a long post. But it's not finished yet!
My mother fetched me to Celestine's house to pick up
my Skinnies which Celestine found near bugis that was only $23.
So she bought it for me & i have to pay her back. Then my mother
drove me to United Sq to do some stuff.
First, we went to the Cold Storage there to order Ham & Beef
for my family's Christmas party this Saturday. Then we went
to buy Muffins. Two muffins for each me & my sisters. I chose two oreo muffins -yum :D & bought two chocolate chip muffins for each of my sisters. -But ended up- They didn't like the muffins. They think they taste like shit. Oh well. More for me! :D Don't worry. I will won't grow fat ohkayy! >: Don't think those things. Haiyo! We then went to Watson's to shop shop. Then went to Guardian cause got more sale there.
After all that, my mother brought me to Canton. Her DVD shop.
The place she always rent her Korean, HongKong or Cantanese,whatever, drama (: & I asked her to rent one with English
subtitles so i could watch too.
Later we went to OP. I needed to buy my Christmas present
from her & my Grandmother. So after looking awhile, i bought a Dark blue Button-ed shirt. I loved it :D But it was freaking $36! But lucky got sale, so it was $28+. I don't have the picture of it now. I'll post it next time, together with all my other Christmas Presents. We went home right after buying that. (:
Ten minutes after i reached home, my sisters brought me out to
eat opposite my house, the coffee shop. - five minute walk away.
Yep, just my sisters & me. My biggest sister suggested i came along.
Surprising isn't it? I guess it's like my mother said. When you
are young, you and your siblings will always fight. Just like her.
But as you grow older, you become more mature and sort of
slowly bond with your sisters. I don't really know lah. (: ..
So when we were walking to the coffee shop, it started to..
Drizzle. Then 2 seconds later, drizzling heavily. Then 10 seconds
later, it started RAINING LIKE CRAP! So we started running
to the coffee shop! Haha! Erica* (Second Sister) was like,
" Oh damnit it's freaking raining! What the fuck?! It's Raining! "
Hahahaha! I was laughing like hell ;D.
So we reached the coffee shop.-Luckily we were not that wet!
We ordered one plate of chicken and a plates of fried rice each.
Then later when i was eating my second chicken, ( drumstick)
There was one patch of thingy left on the chicken, i tried to
use my fork and spoon to like, take it off the chicken so i can
eat it.- i didn't use my hand cause i touched my dog just now &
forgotten to watch them :X. But it was too hard, bones i thought.
Then i put them in the chilly bowl cause no one eats chilly &..
Ugh forget that, then after that my sister saw then scold me
thinking that it was one whole patch of meat, then i was like,
it's bone! But she didn't believe me and continue nagging crap.
That's the sister i know. Hahaha, ASSHOLE!
After that we went home, & now i'm typing this. Hee :D Wow.
Let's see how many words i've typed.. Hold on..
OHMYGOD! What the hell? Guess how many words? TWO-OH-TWO-ONE!Wowzies :D! Hahaha, well byebye people. Enjoy- Wait a minute.OF COURSE YOU WILL ENJOY SEEING ROBERT PATTINSON'SBEAUTIFUL FREAKING HOT FACES! :D Bye!
He doesn't look like him here :X
<- Alice, Emmet, Bella, EDWARD♥, Rosalie, Jasper

<-Victoria, Bella, EDWARD♥, James, Laurent
Hot lunchtable! :D
I don't like his beard D:
Okay, i agree, he looks ugly here. But this was before the movie!
I LOVE THIS PIC! He's so hot-like here (: ! LOVE♥LOVE♥LOVE♥LOVE♥LOVE♥LOVE♥
Laura & me
Sneak Shot!
The movie, taken when they were kissing :D
Second movie shot. ♥
Posted by Ellenayoung at 4:05 PM